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We love teaching and making resources to promote enjoyment, motivation, and understanding for children and teachers with a particular passion for learning outside the classroom.




We love teaching and making resources to promote enjoyment, motivation, and understanding for children and teachers with a particular passion for learning outside the classroom.
Seed Dispersal: Sorting Seeds Outdoor Investigation

Seed Dispersal: Sorting Seeds Outdoor Investigation

This activity looks at how plants and trees survive by dispersing their seeds which is a key aspect of the life cycle of plants. Your class will collect seeds and classify them based on the key dispersal definitions. Teaching Structure: Discuss what a seed is and why it’s important that they are dispersed. Explain that plants and trees have different seed dispersal tactics. Go outside and collect as many different seeds as you can. This can either be done during the school day (it can make a great trip!) or set as a home learning challenge. Put the class into small groups and give each group a set of the definitions. - Get the children to sort the seeds into the correct seed dispersal classifications. You can then take a photo or get them to draw the seeds onto the activity sheet and answer the questions. As an extension, get them to design their own seeds with a chosen dispersal method. Please don’t forget to rate this resource to let us know what you think. Also be sure to visit my store Saving The Teachers and FOLLOW ME to see my new products and hear about upcoming sales!
Soil Explorers - Outdoor Science Investigation

Soil Explorers - Outdoor Science Investigation

Have you ever wondered what lurks beneath the soil? With this science investigation you’re about to find out as your students become geologists to investigate what is underneath a patch of land. They will look into classifying what they find before creating their very own soil explorer museum. It’s a great resource if you’re looking at rocks and soil, geological skills, history, as well as the classification of materials and animals. Please don’t forget to rate this resource to let us know what you think. Also be sure to visit my store and FOLLOW ME to see my new products and hear about upcoming sales!
The Underwater Viewer - Livings Things Pond Investigation

The Underwater Viewer - Livings Things Pond Investigation

This activity gets students exploring the wildlife in your pond by making their very own underwater viewer using just a plastic bottle, some tape, and scissors. It’s a fantastic activity if you’re looking at living things, habitats, or just want to give your students some time to explore this amazing world. Teaching Structure: Get the students to make their underwater viewers. Younger students may need help with this. Give them time to use the viewers to explore the wildlife in your pond. Either during or after exploring they can complete the differentiated sheets recording their observations. For higher grade levels you can get them to use books and the internet to ID what they see. Please note: There are obvious risks involved with this activity and there must be measures in place. We suggest getting all students to lie down on an area close to the water level before using the viewers. Check out our risk assessment creator to produce a risk assessment quickly and easily. We hope you find this pack useful and enjoy working outside with your class! Check out our Outdoor Science Bundle. Please don’t forget to rate this resource to let us know what you think. Also, be sure to visit my store and FOLLOW ME to see my new products and hear about upcoming sales!
DIY Wind Vane - Outdoor STEM Activiy

DIY Wind Vane - Outdoor STEM Activiy

This is a great STEM project to get students exploring the local weather as they design and build their very own wind vanes before recording the wind direction over a given time period. This projects is great if you’re looking at points of the compass, the weather, fractions, or as a fun STEM challenge. Teaching Structure: Talk about what a wind vane is and why they can be useful. In small groups, complete the design sheet by getting students to think of their own ideas about how to build a wind vane. If you don’t want to do this, just use the example design. Share each idea and discuss whether they’ll work or not. Share the example design. - Complete the final design sheet if their designs have changed. Build the wind vane. Place the wind vane in a suitable location and complete the record sheet over a given time period. It can be interesting to put each group in a different place and then compare their results to see any variations in wind directions. Complete the evaluation questions. Also be sure to visit my store and FOLLOW ME to see my new products and hear about upcoming sales!
The Greenhouse Effect Science Investigation

The Greenhouse Effect Science Investigation

This is a great outdoor experiment that demonstrates how the earth is kept warm enough for life (as well as global warming) through the greenhouse effect. They will carry out an experiment comparing the difference in temperature between the air in a glass jar compared to the air outside of the jar. This demonstrates the effect the greenhouse gases have on the Earth. They will go onto think about what happens when we add to the greenhouse gases and the effect this has on the Earth’s temperature. **Equipment needed: **tall jar, 2 x thermometers, 2 x pieces of white card, timer, sunshine & an activity pack. Teaching Structure: Ask the students how they think the Earth is kept warm. Explain that there are gases in the atmosphere that trap the warming radiation in and keep the Earth warm. Explain that they are going to demonstrate this process by looking how the air warms up in a glass compared to the air outside of the glass. Get the students to complete the method sheet. Place 2 pieces of white card on the floor in a sunny spot (to keep the floor variable the same). Put the jar with a thermometer in on one piece of card and put the lid on (if the lid is opaque put the jar upside down). Place the other thermometer on the other bit of card. Record the temperature of both thermometers at the decided intervals and record the results in the table. Complete the discussion questions and evaluation sheet. Please don’t forget to rate this resource to let us know what you think. Also, be sure to visit my store and FOLLOW ME to see my new products and hear about upcoming sales!
Slide Science Investigation - Friction - Forces and Motion

Slide Science Investigation - Friction - Forces and Motion

Slide science is a fun and practical outdoor science investigation where students will look into which materials create the most friction when sliding down a slide as part of your forces and motion topic. We love to add a competitive element to this activity by explaining to the students that their challenge is to figure out which material has the least friction before choosing one of the materials to use for a slide race! Teaching Structure: 4 – 6: For younger students, they can simply carry out the investigation and complete the results table (with support if needed). 7 – 9, 10 – 12: Get the students to complete the investigation method sheet. Carry out the investigation by sitting on the different materials and timing how long it takes to go down the slide. Complete the bar chart to show their results. Have a slide race! Get the students to choose the material that they think has the least friction and see who can get down the slide the quickest. Equipment needed: A slide (the longer the better). Activity pack A selection of materials big enough for students to sit on. Stop watches Please don’t forget to rate this resource to let us know what you think. Also be sure to visit my store and FOLLOW ME to see my new products and hear about upcoming sales!
My Weather Predictions – Clouds and Weather Patterns

My Weather Predictions – Clouds and Weather Patterns

For this outdoor science investigation your students will become weather forecasters using only the clouds! Different kinds of clouds can give us a very good indication as to what weather is likely to follow. Your students will keep a record of the cloud types as well as the weather which follows for a few days / week before analysing their data to see if they can spot any patterns between the cloud types and the type of weather which follows. This investigation is great if you’re looking at weather, forecasting, pattern spotting, and investigation skills. Before you start the investigation, explain that before modern weather forecasts many people would depend on their knowledge of the clouds to predict the weather and help to keep them safe. Get the students to complete the table, recording the cloud types and the weather in the following days. Once they’ve done this for a good amount of time (9 or 10 days) they can then look at their data and see if they can spot any relationships between the cloud types and the weather which followed. Once they’ve analysed their data they can complete the investigation evaluation questions. Extension - Get them to complete the research sheet to see if their results were correct. Before you get the students to do their diary, it’s worth looking at the weather forecast to try and choose a period with varied weather. Please don’t forget to rate this resource to let us know what you think. Also be sure to visit my store and FOLLOW ME to see my new products and hear about upcoming sales!
Animal Adaptions: Sports Investigation

Animal Adaptions: Sports Investigation

This is a great investigation if you’re looking at animal adaptations or the human body. Children will investigate whether our physical appearances effect our ability to do different tasks, answering question such as ‘do people with longer legs run faster?’ These investigation can then lead onto a discussion about how animals have adapted to be better at things to help them survive. </br> Contents: 6 x investigation cards 2 x differentiated investigation plan template 2 x differentiated results table </br> ----------------------------------- Please don’t forget to rate this resource if you enjoyed it. Also be sure to visit my store Saving The Teachers and FOLLOW ME to see my new products and hear about upcoming sales!
Conductor or Insulator: Outdoor Electricity Activity

Conductor or Insulator: Outdoor Electricity Activity

Mix up your electricity topic with this activity where your class will explore the conductivity of items in the outdoors. After making a simple circuit, they’ll head outside and place objects within the circuit to test whether they are conductors or insulators, completing the table before analysing their results and starting to produce some simple conclusions. Contents Teacher’s guide Circuit diagram 2 x differentiated results tables 2 x differentiated results and conclusion questions Please don’t forget to rate this resource and provide feedback if you enjoyed it. Also be sure to visit my store and FOLLOW ME to see my new products and hear about upcoming sales!
Food Chains Sorting Activity

Food Chains Sorting Activity

This is a fun cut and stick / outdoor ordering activity for food chains as part of your living things topic. For this activity students will use chalk or our provided cards to complete the food chains. It’s a great way to introduce food chains while letting student get out of their seats taking part in the practical activity. Before the students compete this activity they’ll need an input as to what food chains are and how they work. Using Chalk: This method is our preferred way to do this activity. Put the students into pairs and give each pair the muddled food chain sheet. They must use the animals on the sheet to create their food chains by drawing pictures and arrows using chalk. This pack contains differentiated food chain sheets where the chains get more complex each time. Picture Cards: This pack also contains sets of picture and arrow cards to make up the food chains. Each set is color coded. Put the students into pairs and give each group a set of picture and arrow cards for them to use to complete the food chain. Please don’t forget to rate this resource to let us know what you think. Also be sure to visit my store and FOLLOW ME to see my new products and hear about upcoming sales!
The Growing Race Math / Science Outdoor Investigation: Grades 4 - 5

The Growing Race Math / Science Outdoor Investigation: Grades 4 - 5

Growing plants is great fun and can lead to loads of teaching opportunities. For this activity students will plant a variety of species and measure their growth rate over time. The students first look at how they can carry out this investigation, completing an investigation plan. After the seeds are planted they’ll measure the height of each plant every week and record their findings on the table. As part of the sheet they’ll need to work out differences in heights. We suggest using 4 - 5 different types of plants, ideally ones with a clear difference in growth rate. How you carry this investigation out depends greatly on the space you have available. You may choose to use separate plant pots or maybe you have a veg patch available. It’s good to discuss the importance of the plants being in the same locations. Why is the sun important for plants? Why is water important? You can go into as much or little detail as needed in these discussions. It can be useful to set up a timetable of who is going to care for the plants each day. If you choose to use fruits or vegetables (highly recommended!) you can then go onto use these as another stimulus for activities. Suggested Plants: Tomato Spinach Baby Carrots Bush Beans Green Onions Summer Squash Beets Please don’t forget to rate this resource to let us know what you think. Also be sure to visit my store and FOLLOW ME to see my new products and hear about upcoming sales!
My Growing Race Math + Science Investigation: Years 1 - 2

My Growing Race Math + Science Investigation: Years 1 - 2

Growing plants is great fun and can lead to loads of teaching opportunities. For this activity students will plant a variety of species and measure their growth rate over time. The students will measure the height of each plant every week and record their findings on the table as well as drawing a picture of the plants. We suggest using 4 - 5 different types of plants, ideally ones with a clear difference in growth rate. How you carry this investigation out depends greatly on the space you have available. You may choose to use separate plant pots or maybe you have a veg patch available. It’s good to discuss the importance of the plants being in the same locations. Why is the sun important for plants? Why is water important? You can go into as much or little detail as needed in these discussions. It can be useful to set up a timetable of who is going to care for the plants each day. If you choose to use fruits or vegetables (highly recommended!) you can then go onto use these as another stimulus for activities. Suggested Plants: Tomato Spinach Baby Carrots Bush Beans Green Onions Summer Squash Beets Please don’t forget to rate this resource to let us know what you think. Also be sure to visit my store and FOLLOW ME to see my new products and hear about upcoming sales!
Ecosystems Vocabulary Cards

Ecosystems Vocabulary Cards

16 visual ecosystem vocabulary cards that are perfect for your topic word wall complete with a title. They are a great way to help your children learn the key terms needed for this exciting topic. We have found them especially helpful for children with English as an additional language. Each card contains the key word, definition, and visual aid. Contents 17 X Key Vocabulary Cards Display Title 2 Blank Cards Vocabulary Included Ecosystem Adaptation Biodegrade Canopy Carnivore Community Coniferous Consumers Deciduous Dormant Food chain Food web Habitat Herbivore Nutrients Omnivore Predator Prey Territory Please don’t forget to rate this resource to let us know what you think. Also be sure to visit my store Saving The Teachers and FOLLOW ME to see my new products and hear about upcoming sales!
The Floating Stone STEM Challenge - Forces and Motion

The Floating Stone STEM Challenge - Forces and Motion

This outdoor STEM activity gets students thinking and questioning what properties make something either float or sink. They will be faced with the challenge to get a stone to float using only natural materials, string, and tape. Equipment: Stones (roughly the size of a golf ball - the bigger the stone the more the challenge) Tape String Bowl / tub of water Teaching Structure: Get students to think of examples of items that both float and sink. Encourage them to start thinking about what it is that makes them float or sink. Explain that their mission is to make a stone float using only natural materials before the end of the lesson. Put students into groups of 2 or 3 and get them to complete the mind map sheet. Once they’ve discussed their ideas, set them off on their challenge. We find 15 - 20 minutes is enough time for this part of the lesson. It’s a good idea to limit the amount of string and tape they can use. The less string and tape used the more the challenge. Once students have successfully made their stone float or the time has run out get them to complete the evaluation sheet or simply discuss the questions on the task cards. The task cards can be placed at different points in your outdoor space. Finally, get students to share their thoughts and ideas as a whole class. Please don’t forget to rate this resource to let us know what you think. Also, be sure to visit my store and FOLLOW ME to see my new products and hear about upcoming sales!
My Growing Race Math + Science Investigation: Years 3 and 4

My Growing Race Math + Science Investigation: Years 3 and 4

Growing plants is great fun and can lead to loads of teaching opportunities. For this activity students will plant a variety of species and measure their growth rate over time. The students first look at how they can carry out this investigation, completing an investigation plan. After the seeds are planted they’ll measure the height of each plant every week and record their findings on the table. As part of the sheet they’ll need to work out differences in heights. We suggest using 4 - 5 different types of plants, ideally ones with a clear difference in growth rate. How you carry this investigation out depends greatly on the space you have available. You may choose to use separate plant pots or maybe you have a veg patch available. It’s good to discuss the importance of the plants being in the same locations. Why is the sun important for plants? Why is water important? You can go into as much or little detail as needed in these discussions. It can be useful to set up a timetable of who is going to care for the plants each day. If you choose to use fruits or vegetables (highly recommended!) you can then go onto use these as another stimulus for activities. Suggested Plants: Tomato Spinach Baby Carrots Bush Beans Green Onions Summer Squash Beets Please don’t forget to rate this resource to let us know what you think. Also be sure to visit my store and FOLLOW ME to see my new products and hear about upcoming sales!
Outdoor Diary Writing / Recount Activity

Outdoor Diary Writing / Recount Activity

This diary writing & research project is a great way to get your class learning about and having fun with first person narrative in the form of diary writing (recounts) in the outdoors. This differentiated resource has been used very successful with grades 2 – 5 (years 3 - 6). The children are to choose a min-beast and spend a few days finding, exploring, and researching their chosen mini-beast. They will then have great fun planning and writing a diary entry for their chosen mini-beast based around ‘a day in the life of’. Contents: - Teacher’s Guide - Mini-Beast Identification Sheet - 2 x differentiated drawing sheets - Instructions Sheet - Diary Extract Eample - 2 x differentiated research templates - 1 x Diary Writing Checklist - 1 x planning sheet - 2 x Differentiated writing checklists This resource is a great way to get the children exploring the outdoor while learning about a key writing style. ----------------------------------- Enjoy!
Pollution - Ocean Plastics: Clean Up Invention Project

Pollution - Ocean Plastics: Clean Up Invention Project

This STEM activity is all about the negative effects that plastic pollution in our oceans is having on humans and the environment. Students will be challenged to design and create their very own invention to help save our ocean plastic crisis. Contents: Teacher Guide Invention Example Differentiated Design Sheets Differentiated Final Idea Pan Differentiated Evaluation Questions Please don’t forget to rate this resource to let us know what you think. Also be sure to visit my store Saving The Teachers and FOLLOW ME to see my new products and hear about upcoming sales!
The Human Body / Animals: Skeletons

The Human Body / Animals: Skeletons

This activity looks closely at how different skeletons are made up, encouraging children to think about how different animals are able to move in different ways depending on their skeleton. This activity works best in groups. Give each child an animal card and ask them to create the animals skeleton using sticks, thinking carefully about how the animal moves. Once they have done this and you have allowed for sufficient discussion both with each other and an adult, give them the animals skeleton card and let them see how they have done. They can then take another animal to try. You’ll be amazed at the improvement of their skeletons over the course of one lesson! </br> Contents: A normal and skeleton sheet for each of the following Human Fish Frog Snake Elephant Horse </br> --------------------- Please don’t forget to rate this resource if you enjoyed it. Also be sure to visit my store and FOLLOW ME to see my new products and hear about upcoming sales!
Forces And Motion Outdoor Challenge Cards

Forces And Motion Outdoor Challenge Cards

Get your class engaged with your forces and motion topic from the very start with this exciting outdoor science scavenger hunt activity. It’s also a fantastic way to assess what your class already know or have learnt during the forces and motion topic. It’s a hassle free resource with minimum prep, designed to engage students with a wide range of learning styles. This pack contains 10 challenge task cards that cover the following areas: Air resistance Gravity Floating and sinking Friction Magnetism My class had great fun in the outdoors while learning and recapping their skills. A fantastic lesson when the sun in shining! Contents Teacher’s Guide 8 x Differentiated Answer Sheets For The Children To Complete 10 x Challenge Task Cards Top Tip: Laminate your cards so they can be used time and time again! Resources needed for cards: 1 - Leaves 2 - A4 and A3 paper 3 - Sticks 4 - Magnets 5 - Toy car 6 - Bucket of water 7 - Tennis ball & similar sized plastic ball 8 - Football / basketball 9 - Bin bag / similar 10 - Tennis ball & similar sized plastic ball Please don’t forget to rate this resource to let us know what you think. Also, be sure to visit my store and FOLLOW ME to see my new products and hear about upcoming sales!
The Insect Pitfall Trap Science Investigation - Livings Things - Data Handling

The Insect Pitfall Trap Science Investigation - Livings Things - Data Handling

The insect trap investigation gets students looking closely at all the amazing creepy crawlies that can be found in your outdoor space by creating small traps. It’s great if you’re looking at living things, habitats, or data handling as well as developing key investigation skills. **Ages 4 - 6: **Students will set the traps and observe what they collect. At this age it’s great for them to explore the wildlife, talking about their looks, how they move, key features, and other general observations. Once they’ve had time to study what they’ve trapped they can compete the observation sheet where they’ll draw what they’ve collected. **Ages 7 - 9 & 10 - 12: **Students will set the traps and wait to see what crawls inside (checking each day for a few days. They’ll identify the creatures and record their results on the results table. They can then use their results to create a bar graph of their findings (you can choose to accumulate all the results or just use individuals). After that, get them to complete the evaluation question sheets which will encourage them to think about how successful their traps were and the reasons behind their results. Equipment needed: Activity pack Trowel Yogurt pot Tray Card Stones ID Guide (optional) Check out our outdoor science bundle here. Please don’t forget to rate this resource to let us know what you think. Also, be sure to visit my store and FOLLOW ME to see my new products and hear about upcoming sales!